Tuesday 9 October 2012

Thanksgiving blastoff!

Good afternoon everyone!!

A slow start to the morning =D! It's actually after noon (12:48pm) so technically I should be up and about by now but my morning starts slow today ;)

Not too much but man I hope everyone has had an amazing thanksgiving (to those Canadians...American thanksgiving is next month!) =) I have gained 5 pounds...literally in the duration of the weekend O.o and I have brought home some leftover foods!

My late breakfast consisted of leftover Afghanistan bread from my church thanksgiving dinner (spread with Nutmeg jam I brought home from Grenada) avec milk and hard-boiled egg =)

A filling breakfast and a slow start to the morning!
On Saturday morning I woke up and tutored =) I tutor a Gr.12 student who is developmentally delayed (hence like the word developments are delayed in comparison to how a child normally develops) and after I went to buy some ingredients for my potluck (On holidays my church usually gets together and for this thanksgiving we are getting together for some dinner and fellowship!)
There is a Walmart close to the student's house so I went there only to find out that their Walmart isn't a SUPERCENTRE and hence didn't sell any foods -_-;;; so since I was already there it's attached to a mall I decided to do some eye browsing ;) aka shopping! Here are some snags =D! (enlarged pic)

  So I ended up getting 2 tshirts, a dress and a hoodie

Top Left: (GAP) I got this tshirt cus it was kind of Toronto represent..these days sometimes it's hard to find a shirt like that O.o and it had the skyline of Toronto with the CNTower in it which I thought was cool
Middle Left: (Forever21) I just had to get this sweater cus it was just awesome. They didn't have sizes (only Larges) but I thought I'd just wear em baggy anyways. I love the message they convey: PRAY...there is great power in it..it's a reminder for me to continuously pray throughout..for..there is awesomeness and great power.
Bottom Left: (GAP) I guess Gap has partnered up with Threadless (From what I know...Threadless is an online company where people can design their own shirts adn if it has enough votes you can get sell it online) and this shirt was just cute. You can fill your own things to make a msg. haha. It's a loose fit but the V-neck I thought showed my collarbone nicely =)
Right: (Costa Blanca) This dress didn't actually turn out nicely in the picture. you must be wearing it. haha. Costa Blanca was having this huge sale so I went in and got this snag =D! It's actually shorter at the front and longer at the back (this year's trend) and I thought it would be a nice summer dress to wear (and if I ever visit Grenada again! fingers crossed!!) I can take that dress with me +D!
After my mini shopping spree (I swear I haven't shopped in a super long time and I have been shopping deprived!!) I went and got ready! It was definately a cold night. On the way home it was spitting a little but when I got home I checked the weather and it said it was cloudy skies NO RAIN the entire evening through until the morning!! So I dressed up:

Sorry...I didn't take a picture of my clothing inside. This is my awesomely treasured trench coat..it has a double lining on the inside for warmth so it is actually quite warm (which is removeable) but the only con is that the belt is a hassle. LOL. I got this when I went to the states in New York. They have this Huge outlet mall and every imaginable store there. =) It's Burberry but it's definately cheaper than the stores here =). Every girl must own one classic Burberry trench coat. That's what theyre known for!
I went and got ready. On the way...it started rainning AGAIN unfortunately. My poor coat (though waterproof) got rained on. =(. I try to keep it super nice. booerns.
Here is the location. It's called Il Fornello. My first time..Actually my friend Tween (whom I NEVER meet up with but randomly one day she called and wanted to go out with me! good surprise though!) and I were discussing where we should eat and she's a terrible chooser so I literally went on Google and thought of places that would have restuarants located...and went on Google map and browsed around the restaurants that are mapped and looked through reviews. This place is actually not superbly off the limits in terms of my budget ($15-20 for a white restaurant...not bad)
Here's the link for the menu:
I would like to take my bf there. I didn't get it but they have fried calarmari as one of the appetizers and he loves them so I'll try it with him when he comes back. =) We are on destination look-out for the best calarmari restaurants..so far. it seems Marlowe is winning ;) We shall have to try here next time..
Here's what I had: PENNE CAPRI: $18 grilled chicken, mushrooms, spinach, cherry tomatoes, white wine, garlic, grana padano
except I changed it to Tomato sauce cus I wanted something with sauce..this is more dry with oil kind of base...It was good. I liked it a lot. They give you gratitue bread as appetizers..I love the whipped butter (oh to die for!) but the bread itself wasnt warm which kinda was a small disappointment. oh well!VERY filling and LOTS of pasta (although the cheese is like sprinkled a little on top..)...I took it as my lunch the next day ;)  YUM! It's making me hungry again!

Then on Sunday lunch..my church had this huge Thanksgiving feast that I totally forgot to take a picture of cus I was busy eating like a beaver =(. The elders there prepared a TON of korean food and  some white food too with chicken that somehow tasted like turkey!..it was amazing..I came home super filled adn then BOOM evening comes and I went out for my Thanksgiving dinner with my family! Good thing for my fast digestion I was ready for another meal!! =D! but unfortunately and i regret it LOTS =*( my phone died and I left it charging! I wish you could've seen the food I ate...oh it was to die for...ugh! Sorry..but I was super ready on Monday evening to prepare for the potluck at my church! I brought my camera DON't WORRY! Here are some of things you missed out on ;)
So in Potluck..what happens is is that everyone brings a dish of their own..I decided to make stir-fry vegetables that I also happened to bake when I sprinkled it with cheese:

So basically I stir-fried the vegetables (i added random potato in)
Minced onion and garlic for flavour + a Chunk of butter
Drizzled cheese on top and baked it
(The bottom part sans cheese is for the lactose intolerants)

Here is our massive food: CLOCKWISE from top left
-cucumber/corn salad
-Philipino sausage..(they look like taiwanese sausages)
-More pasta
-Ddukbokki (korean dish consisting of rice cake, beef and assortment of vegetables)
-my vegetables
-some warm yummy Pakistan naan
-potato and ham
Middle from Left:
-Mook (Korean cucumber jello-style soysauce thing..its GOOD!)
-Curry chicken
-Shepherd's pie

Here are some of it's individuals:
The best: Ars' curry chicken YUM. it's my favourite to die for!! I love ittttt!!!.
LOOK at that! I brought alittle leftover. He made it with him mom! So good!!
Here is the ddukbokki: Korean dish..It's usually made spicy..but she made it sweet. I loveeee ricecake!

The lasagna that Andrew made! YUM! This leftover lunch is awaiting for me after my Blog post

Potatoes adn Ham bought from METRO! Looks tasty eh?

This is the MOOK: It's terrible hard to explain what it's made from. It has a jello texture but trust me it's really good and it's healthy for you cus I think it's made from like grinded potato to powder or something...
and here is my plateful of everything combines ;)
actually I took this picture after 5 bites of food. =(. LOL but it still looks GOOD!

And for the finale~ Robert made awesome dessert!!!!
This actually turned out better than the other dessert (the other one was a teeny bit burnt and my tastebuds are SUPER sensitive with burnt stuff!! it's not my fault!)
It's a heartattack but it was GOOD!
Brownie on top with oreo cookies sandwiched in between and cookie dough layer at bottom!!!

This is really good too!
It's drizzled on white and caramel pudding on top of brownie bits under the brownie haha. it was really good overal.. =) He's a good baker.
A delicious overall weekend.
Like I said ;) I gained 5 pounds over the weekend
A great and very filling thanksgiving overall!
Happy smiles~ Back to schooL!!

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