Friday 7 September 2012

My Jenn's Burfday

I hope I'm doing this correctly. THis BLOG thing is quite confusing...or I must be techno-handicapped :s.

Today was my good friend Jennifer's birthday! and it so happens she chose SUSHI168.
I went with my family once when it first opened up and it wasnt the best experience. My parents didn't like it so much cus you get a piece of paper and order what you want. THey like to SEE what hte food looks like HAHA. but i enjoy it cus then its all fresh!!

I go at 1pm and it so happens that everyone was going to be late BUT she forgot to remind me that the time got pushed back! JENNNNNIFERRRRR!!!!!

I forgave her cus it was her actual birthday! TSK TSK! Good thing there was Value Village next door to occupy me. I always hear people get such great deals from there but i have still yet to find a great deal!

 She must've rushed from the library when i texted her and she got there 1:38! tsk tsk!!!

--> FYI I met this girl 2 years ago at Placement. We were both placed at Gateway Public School and somehow befriended each other =). THat school is HUGE. She has similar goofy and giggly personality as me so i think we must've clicked. LOL.

ANYHOO- this is my outfit of the day!
Sorry it's sideways, This Blog thing is complicated! I cut off my face in case any of you want to steal my identity (SUPER paranoia attack!!!)
-My awesome shorts that I wear with EVERYTHING is from J.Crew
-My Top/supershort dress is from a brand in America (sry! no Canadian stores) is called Papaya <--I love this store even though it reminds me of Urban behaviour
-My awesome cardigan I stole from my mom's closet is from Banana Republic ;)

SO.....we start ordering around 2 (We're such losers, we ticked off all the food we wanted from the list but totally forgot to give it to them cus we were lost in our conversations!!!)

and then other people started showing up and oh man we ate for SOOOO long and then we talked for even LONGERRRRRR...hence I got back home almost 6:30pm!!! (I should've gave them more tip...but i didn't feel so bad cus the place wasn't that busy!)

And the best part was because it was her birthday LOOK AT WHAT SHE GOT!!!

The conversation went like this:
Question: "Sir is there a cake that you can bring out for her?"
Response: "Don't worry. We'll bring her Something..."
(*we look at each other...SOMETHING?..what does that mean?!)
but this is awesome. suddenly the speakers that play music in the restaurant went dead adn a HUGE loud noise of clapping then the hbd song came on.

we got to try ....get this....deep fried ICECREAM! (*with fudge sauce inside)!!!!!!!

How awesome =D! =D! This is why i love asian places! they think up of the most craziest food ideas! i love it x a thousand.

Twas a good day overall....

We also discussed my favourite topic in the world because Jenn's friends are HP obsessed!!
I told them last december I went to Florida and oh so awesome it was! As i was telling them my flashed back etc.
Here are some awesome memories I've had~ I can't post a lot of them because I haven't figured out how to post multiple pictures at the same time...and the loading is WAY too slow~!!

This was my favourite place in the world. THey had the best of all bests! Inside I wish I took my camera and took pictures!THe castle was super awesome and had Herbology classroom like inside a greenhouse, they show the Fat Lady moving within her portrait (although I did imagine her to be bigger), the Sorting Hat was there, and hundreds of people inside the frames were moving as they pleased (I suspect digital). And the ride was even better! Its like 4D movie + rollercoaster put together. It was so awesome I want to go back again =D!
This is super awesome. The best but they know everyone wants one so they rip you off. i think it was like $10 or something for a cup....a plastic cup....:s But i still overindulged on it!! You can choose whether you want it liquid or slushie. TRUST me...choose slushi style! and on top they put this sweet cream that's to DIE for!!! I loved it. I also bought Hermonie's wand which was superbly overpriced...i paid about $30+tax but i was still a jolly little girl in HP land of magic!

This beach is also superbly famous and not even the Barbados sand was as white as this! The sand is super find and soft I loved it (although because it was so fine the walking wasnt as cushined HAHA). I went in mid-end december and the waters were SUPER fine! Good to swim in becuase it was the Gulf of Mexico (southern waters coming up) I wish I spent more time there but nevertheless loved it!
Here's a random LINK that i found for Siesta Beach if you've never heard of it:

Here's the WIkipedia info: Siesta Beach (sometimes known as Siesta Key Beach) is a beach located on Siesta KeyFloridaUnited States. The sand is 99% pure quartz, soft and cool on the feet

I highly recommend this beach. one of the most beautiful beaches. =) and the waters warm in winter!

HAHAAH. he looks liek a giant rat. but he's actually an anbino kangaroo that we saw in the midst of about a hundred kangaroos. We visited this awesome place called 'Busch Gardens" and its basically Canada's Wonderland + African Lion Safari =D. It's great and they also have trains and gondolas that take you around.

This is one of the reasons I wanted to go to Florida land of oranges. I recieved an issue of National Geographics which featured two girls kayaking amongst some wild manatees. We drove about 2 hrs off Orlando to see these wild guys! Apparently when the "winter" comes, the waters get cold and these guy swim up to Florida for warmth. It was definately worth seeing them. I was super lucky and happy to spot them up close =D. I ended up buying those pay $1 recieve a penny with picture of manatee machine cus the manatees themselves aren't very pretty. They are really calm creatures. I'd loved to see them again!

Lastly! I watched about a dozen shows at Seaworld. I have heard bad things about how the marine life is treated there. Nevertheless I absolutely positively LOVED every moment of it! I even paid a swimmer to get a shell for me and inside was a pearl. one day i'll go again and do it and make earrings out of them =). It was definately an unforgettable experience and I want to go back again!!

Happy Smiles~

Beginnings of BLOG

This is my life. =)

I am currently a master's student here in Toronto, CANADA.
I finished my undergrad in Sociology with Honours and completed my Teacher's college at the same time (concurrently).

Toronto is definately a difficult place to get a teaching job. and here i am failing to get a job even with credentials. xp

My lovely boyfriend is away in Grenada studying for Medicine so here I am blogging my thoughts so that i don't have to bombard him ;)

I visited the Caribbean waters end of AUgust to drop him off and my dear, were the waters crystal clear! I shall post pictures up! Perhaps I'll do a mini review on Grenada as there weren't very many...

To sum it up...i LOVED Grenada. Perhaps because this is the my first trip to a Caribbean island. It goes side by side with my thumbs up review of when i visited Florida last December. I shall have to post those pictures up as well...(*note to self).

This is where the roots in creating my blog starts.

Here are a few of pictures of my lovely trip =) Happy Smiles

This is Annandale Falls. We visited there and a lot of people were washing up. THey'd just bring a bar of soap and start washing themselves. The waters are very cold and on the way back the locals would take a chain and block of the road and ask for money. O.o It was quite a sight. THere was also another local at the falls doing diving and such and asked for money if we took pictures etc. The fall was really nice (i doubt the cleanest though) but nevertheless an amazing sight to visit.

Grand ANse Beach at Grenada. One of the most famous beaches in the world. We went there during rainy season (end of August) but the greatest thing was I never once used an umbrella! It basically rained everyday but it just so happens that it rained at night when we were all sleeping! ANd by morning it was clear skies again! The waters super salty and if it goes in your nose it stings HAHA.

This is me on our snorkeling trip. I'm not the best swimmer but the good thing is they provide snorkeling jackets. they inflate at the front and around your neck. It just so happens that of everyone's gear, my goggles were faulty and water seeped in. I started hyperventilating when he told me that my goggles were broken (i'm such a nerd) and the captain switched goggles with me and made me do some slow breathing before I waddled away. There is an abundant of sealife there and I would love to buy some snorkeling gear myself and do it everyday!