Friday 21 September 2012

A walk around thee neighbourhood is just not my day....

woke up feeling super groggy -____-;;;
this blog is actually a note for me in the future for an assignment i am doing so i can remember it LOL..

I wanted to write earlier but my mom called me and super distracted me when all I wanted to do was write in here while my memory is still fresh....feeling a little bit mean to her the way I talked to her but I'm in a bad mood...why? I don't one did anything to me LOL...UGH....I don't know..I just don't like it when I know I have to do something and something else is distracting me from doing the task...and my mood xd

OKAY~! It's already 6:13pm and I still haven't done any of the readings that I planned to! O.O
OMGISH! Here I am!

Oh btw did I tell you my insurance is now under SunLife? So...I was looking up different benefits and one of them is I get $2000 for a certain amount to spend on what they call 'Paramedic Services" and they listed a BUNCH of services from :
 licensed psychologists and social workers.
 licensed massage therapists.
 licensed physiotherapists (treatment of movement disorder).
 licensed naturopaths.
 licensed chiropractors (treatment of muscle and bone disorder).
 licensed podiatrists (treatment of foot disorders) or chiropodists.
 licensed psychoanalysts.
 licensed psychotherapists.
 licensed family therapists.
 licensed psychiatrists.

As you can see one of them is massage therapist! So I was excited and for the first time in my entire life (sad yes...) I booked a massage appointment! HAHAH the funny thing is cus its my first time I didn't know what to expect or ask so before I booked an appt I asked my friend Tween what to expect and what to ask etc. (she told me to ask if they do insurance claims and if they have Registered Massage Therapists LOL). Booked for Monday...but Im kinda scared LOL...and excited?...

OKAY O.O This is what my writing is for today! One of my large assignments is the STROLL. Basically I have to walk outside for 20 minutes and look and take pictures of things!

While it is still fresh in my memory I will have to jot down some things and feelings etc.

As I walked down the steps of my house I was intrigued to find a large what looked like a beetle??? So I took a picture...I don't see many giant bugs like that I thought to myself...Usually its mounds of ants and flys etc...
So I took a picture...and there was an open peanut shell which made me wonder who ate the peanuts and left it here...hrmm...
my journey goes on..a few steps out of the door I see this black/brown bird by itself pecking and looking for food...hrmm I wonder...I slolwy take cautious 2 steps ...afraid I am going to make the bird fly made me a little sad my technology couldn't zoom up to take the picture of the bird.
Its hard to see the bird (so small) but it made me wonder where the rest of the pack went...It brought back my memory when in the summers there sometimes are literally 10 birds all together in my front/side/backyard pecking away looking for food. Once I found a nest of birds on the side of my house just above my eyelevel. A robin had nested at a small tree and I could hear the baby birds. I quickly looked at them, took a picture and ran away before mommy robin could get here (I've heard that if the mommy robin could come and if she sees you will abandon the baby birds)...but I couldn't resist the temptation of the rare occassions of seeing birds up so closely (except when they die and I can't really bare to see them xd) and something about being babies is just so intriguing and draws me.

Don't creep me like I'm creeping on them HAHA. I took this next picture because if you look realllllly closely there are people there..and far away close to the small car there are actually three children playing with rocks. I also didn't know (until I was passing right beside them) but inside the white car is a woman which surprised me and made me wonder what the heck is she doing inside the car on the side of the road O.o??? I originally took this picture becuase it made me realize how many people there are outside...I guess becuase I usually spend a lot of my time indoors I don't see it but a lot of people are outdoors. Perhaps because I started my stroll 5:15pm it was quiet...perhaps because my street is a dead-end so not a lot of cars of here. I was surprised by the number of people outside and I felt out of place becuase I didn't really have a destination in mind and felt a bit intimidated by people around me when I was taking picture cus I felt like I shouldn't be ...invasion of privacy? and felt liek they were gonna say something...but I guess I look like I belong in the one really noticed me or stared at me...just passing by and even when I was taking pictures...not much...

This next picture I took becuase I was confused. I had never seen this before and I realized it did not correlated with the address number of the house O.o hrmm..and what is this danger sign? voltage?? What does that even mean? and why is the number 1 sideways O.o super confused..but I did notice that as I kept walking down the street the number decreased...definately did not follow the house numbers...and I never realized that all the streetlights had numbers on them..I wonder if every single one has them..or if its just in my neighbourhood. I never noticed...Is it because it was placed too high? Who is the number intended for then? Hrmm..thoughtful Question O.o

Okay this guy..I am such a creeper..I wonder if I am able to take picture of people or if I am not allowed..I took a picture of the back of him just in case...and he's mowing his lawn O.oa Is it bad cus I didn't ask him? err..The smell of the freshly cut grass reminded me so much of summer. for a split second the weather and the smell brought me back to summer...last week has been FREEZING and I've been wearing sweaters and jackets...I don't know just today when I decided to go and walk it was so beautiful....but LOOK at that giant rock. where in the world is that rock from!!! Don't you wonder how it got there? It definately didn't come with theground around them...someone bought it...but for what reason? hrm...on the way back from my walk the grass was all cut so nicely and a layer of fresh cut grass looked super nice...
LOOK at this! So pretty! They had loads of this in their front yard..I'm sure it's for people to look at..still I felt weary taking a picture of a flower! LOL..I'm sure they put it there for 'hey look at my pretty flowers' but I felt like tresspassing their property (although technically I was still on the sidewalk) hahah. It kinda reminds me of an apple. is that weird? the the red part is like the outside peel and the inside is the apple...since the peel is so thin on apples...totally weird O.o I love plants..i should become a plantologist. LOL.

This next photo I took it twice..I felt like I was being all abstract adn stuff with the singly dandelion. Mann are they annoying to get rid of..but here is just one out of many many clovers. I stopped by looking for four leaf clovers. It reminded me of the innocent Gr.9 geography class where Sarah and I met. Our classroom was located just directly on the second floor overlooking this great giant oak tree. Her and I would ask everyday if we could go and explore outside where he can still see us. He surprisingly gave us permission. I don't even know how we ended up there one day but since then we used to go down often during geography and pick four leaf clovers. Once I SWEAR we even found a six leaf clover! that's how much time we spent down there in gr.9! Oh memories...every time I look at clovers it brings me back to that memory =)....btw I failed at looking for four leaf clovers..I realized how much less of a patient person I've become since then...I enjoyed it i basically want it to shoot out at me LOL...a little sad on how fast life is speeding by with me..

Hello! This is a beautiful tree.Its literally half red and half green!...Sigh of end of summer and just the beginning of fall..When I walked outside I didn't see any visuals of fall...but I guess it's definately coming on...I loved how this tree looked. It's funny cus I must drive past this tree tons of times but had failed to notice it...It also signify's Joshua's home time. The colder it gets, the closer it is time for Joshua to be home =)!! YAY and NAY...? YAY outweighs..ooohhh I hate coldness...but yet again I can't wait for him to come home!

WOW. Am I glad I took this picture!! I did not notice until today how many planes flew across! I lost count after 13! and that was from...5:15pm-6:00pm I got home exactly 5:59pm so..that was 45 minutes walk and I saw that many..! No wonder sometimes planes collide with each other (although not many) mann! They don't have red lights and green lights like cars! It reminded me of the show Mayday...and also questioned where so many people on those planes are going...what is in store for them on their next destination?..Don't they have work? Or is this part of work?

This is my final destination almost...the park is where I intended to go and then head back...Can anyone guess what this is? I have been here in the summer and have been trying to guess what it is...It definately must've been something..and seeing that there are repairs to it they still must be using it...yet it looks deserted in the park. I thought it must be some kind of skating rink..but then it looks super small to be a skating rink..and i thought it was a skateboarding park...but can't be..and why are there gates???? I honestly dont know....I took this picture so someone could answer it :s
This is where my journey I was passing the park I saw these teenage kids on the playground and they caught sight of me. I knew their presence and they knew my presense..I don't know why but I noticed myself walking a little faster than usual...hrmmm...strange feeling..and all my focus on what I should take pictures of disappeared. but when they got out of view I was expecting to walk back when I noticed this on the right where the park ends! It's a trail...kind of...and I normally would not walk it by myself but I noticed that earlier in the walk I passed these two couples walking their dog into this little grass area near my house and when I was walking towards the park I saw them near the park area so I put two and two together and concluded that it must end there. Also I thought it would be safer cus I saw people in the distance..i associated people that I could visually see from this end with safety....Hence I decided to walk and explore and change the direction of my walk. I took this picture here cus I found it ironic that there is a no vehicle sign and yet one can clearly see the tire track marks...Whether the cars came first or the sign..hrmm...I wonder why vehicles go there becuase by the time I finished my walk it leads to a dead-end...anyways that was my journey today =)...

Short but boring journey..and now that i've put all my thoughts down..I am feeling a lot lighter...I must've been stressed trying to figure all this out...I'm starving!! What to eat...what to eat O.O

I don't wanna go grocery shopping but...hungry..maybe i'll go buy some food :s...ack...alrighty!
Sorry today was a boring old exploring of my neighbourhood! So much nature stuff and my deep random thoughts..:s!! Bye for now!!

I will update you with my massage journey on Monday!! AHHHH!!!!