Tuesday 11 September 2012

Cooking my Pasta =D

Good Evening LIFE =D!

Today's day consisted of: doing the dishes/cleaning house, going to buy my friend Tween's bday gift, watching some Kdrama (Faith...story plot MEH but guy hottie!), working on some things for my Researcher and cooking my dinner pasta!

It is currently 6:33pm. The sun is still going strong =D! What can I say! --> the View:


I am currently eating my early dinner as I am creating this awesome blog of mine ;) teehee!
At the same time there are squirrels running around outside my house all day. I swear they've conqered the world of cute little chipmunks!
This is my boyfriend's view outside his dorm. As you can see the sun is definately in the mood to sink....umm but wait! we're still in the same time zone O.o....strange sight! somewhere in there the sun's ought to be there haha. what a BEAUTIFUL sight!! <3 <3 <3. i want to swim -u-.
Today I went shopping for my friend Tween's bday =) I honestly did not know what to get her so I went to her favourite store that she basically gets almost all her stuff from. O.O don't judge: WALMART! any of you people shopped at walmart? I didn't know what to get her but she's recently been sporting a cartoon/comic character clothing. So I've seen her wear elmo's pink tank top and a superman tshirt. So the only thing I saw was cookie monster's blue hoodie! It has these funky spikes on it but I think that's her style so =). Here's my awesome wrapping paper!! <3 <3
eh eh eh? You love it too don't you?! It's one of my favourite ones! It has this exotic indian feel to it. is that weird O.o? LOL
So Anyways I hope she likes it. It's definately her style...although it is a bit thin...but I guess it's perfect for weather atm. =)
OKAY! Before I finish off today, I would like to mention my awesome pasta cooking skills ;)
  • Today's pasta consisted of the following ingredients ;D! (Sorry can't figure out how to erase the dotjot at the top LOL! -_-)
  • Marinara Sauce! (from President's choice --> tastes close to tomato though)
  • Garlic (minced very small)
  • Onions (chopped)
  • Ground beef (I chunked them, although you can separate them to make meat sauce instead)
  • Mushrooms (just sliced)
  • Carrots (Note* they take longer to cook than other vegetables)
  • Zucchini (sliced)
  • Corn (I used frozen)
  • And of course: PAStA! --> I used two thinking I didn't have enough (Ribbons and Spiral)
To season with:
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Sugar
  • BARON West Indian Hot Sauce (not sure if you can get it in Canada)
  • Italian Seasoning (Majoram, thyme, rosemary, savoury, sage, oregano, sweet basil)
  • Crushed Red Pepper
  • La Grille's Dried Vegetables
  • Olive oil
I like testing and mixing ingredients and seasoning to see how they turn out =)
Here are the pictures incase you don't know =)
Crushed Red Pepper: I am kind of a spicy person and sprinkle this on pizza too
Italian Seasoning: One of my fav's to use -->has all the essentials ingredients as listed above

Sea Salt & Ground Pepper: I use this on the meat when I am cooking it to destroy the meaty smell (I have a sensitive nose)
Baron's hot sauce + Sugar: Is a great combination because I enjoy the taste of sweet and spicy and you can get it at the same time! The Baron hot sauce I bought in Grenada and it's the kind of spicy that when you eat it seems ok and a moment later it get's you...it REALLY get's you. you only need a dollop of it =).
Vegetable seasoning: I actually put this on first forgetting I had the Italian Seasoning. But it still tastes good =)
Here's the general procedure in which I went about with this
*Note: NOt a professional. I just made this up...so I don't if there is a 'correct' procedure so don't yell at me for this!'
-I started by boiling my pot of water. I always boil first because Cooking the noodles always take the longest (since boiling point takes a while)
-Next, olive oil first, I minced my garlic and mix it with corn (cus it was frozen - if it wasn't i wouldn't put this in first) and meat (cus I always cook meat first) and carrots (since they take the longest in vegetable cooking) *Note: while the meat was still soft I chopped the ground beef in chunks cus I wanted the end product to be chunky meat almost like meatballs. I added salt and pepper
-Then as it is cooking I chopped up all the vegetables and put it in a bowl with all the seasoning on top of it (minus sugar and hot sauce...I don't know, I don't liek my vegetables directly sugary and spicy)
-WHen teh water boils, you can put the pasta in and don't forget to occassionally stir!
-When the meat is all cooked, I threw in all my other prepared vegetables
-Just before my vegetables are cooked, I added in the sauce along with hot sauce and sugar =)
-Tasting it and add a dash of whatever is need according to your taste buds =p
-Once pasta is all cooked, I added it to the sauce and mix and enjoy!!
Here is the final product!
Here is from the pan after I ate my portion. I must've made more than I meant to HAHA

This is my Bowl full =D. You can even sprinkle some parmeasan or melt some cheddar cheese on it if you want =)
THis is my last picture to show you a close-up of the chunks of meat and the two styles of pasta I used!
LOoks yum doesn't it ;)!

Back to doing my researcher's work =( Boo. I worked on it for half an hr earlier and I got really tired of it. HAHA basically I have to take my researcher's paper and change all the embedded citations and bibliography from APA style to some random Australian style =(. quite tedious work -_-....
Tomorrow I really was looking forward for some freebies at Yorkfest but it seems like the major portion of it will have ot be missed. SHe's making me work with her at the library at a crucial time when everything opens =*( Booerns. I hope I can still recieve my York goodie bag! xd. Talk to you later!! <3 <3
Happy Smiles signing off~