Saturday 17 November 2012

A journey's end yet.

And a great evening to you too...

lately the mr.sun has been going down uber fast (around 4ish..) so it's been feeling like night comes a lot sooner than you think!

Today I went to get another massage...calculated my costs and in order to take advantage of my insurance and use it to full capacity I have calculate my costs of the until its expiration date aka Dec 31..I need to continue to take 2 massage/week (awesome!) that includes increasing the time from 1hr (50 mins) to 1.3hrs (80min). It all comes down to seven 80minute massages, 3 hot stone massages and 2 foot exfoliation =D! eh eh eh??
Seems like a plan.. ;) Next Friday I will be recieving my very first hot stone massage!! Let's see how it goes!

*Note: Today I found out NEVER to eat right before a massage. I slightly fibbed and said I ate half an hr ago when really it was more like...10-15 minutes ago LOL...I just thought not to ask them to massage my tummy (very rarely they do..but still) but when they massage (i didn't think atm but..) it presses against your tummy that is trying to digest..and because your a bit fuller ur stomache is like very uncomfortable!! yuck!! No one told me this..-_-;;;that is terrible..

And..I made the mistake of..(as I always do when I'm stressed and swamped with finals) going to massage yesterday when it really was booked TODAY...-_-;;;omg. I went yesterday and felt like a fool (good thing the same receptionist wasn't there..i pretended like I heard it was friday when really...even my agenda I wrote down it was saturday!!!)

A similar situation arose couple months ago during midterm season when I was working on my presentation and ended up going to the presentation class rather than my other class ...which btw is across campus and took another precious 10 minutes to walk back! See what happens when you've got things on occupying in your brain???

ANYWAYS...before I continue I want to quickly share a recipe with you that is SUPER easy to fix up. The prep is very little and it tastes fabulous! Using any leftover meat..It all starts with:
It's on the left (BASIL PESTO)...the sun-dried is ok too but I feel it's a bit too strong of a almost to the point of saltiness...
1. Boil water (this you can leave unattended and do your thing...but don't forget once in a while you need to stir) <--this is the most time consuming
2.Take the leftover meat (I used's from last night's dinner where I basically marinated with soysauce, honey, garlic and olive oil) and shred them
3. Take vegetables and chop and stir-fry. If you don't have time you don't need to add anything
4. Add cooked noodles and chicken to stir-fried vegetables..MIX in 2 spoonfuls of basil pesto.
You do not need to cook the basil pesto..The heat to cook vegetables in I threw the petso and just tossed it to coat everything..turns out like this:

CLose-up..I put mushrooms and onions for vegetables.
It's super easy and it tastes amazing!!
I also wanted to share with you what I had as snack..Sometimes..
well everyday breakfast starts around 10...small piece of baked goods from Korean bakery or cereal or eggs etc.
Then around 1ish..I get hungry..this is where I eat lunch..cook whatever..
Then from 1-7 for some reason there is such a big gap where people do not eat and seem it just me? 10-1 vs. 1-7?? time gap is so much bigger!!
SO I usually eat either a snack and dinner or early dinner and snack after...
This is today's snack..a giant mug of green honey tea...and what I bought at Galleria aka Korean Supermarket...called CHOCO CRACKER!! It comes in this awesome neat box all pretty dolled up.
and then when I went to open it, there were these chocolate dipped cracker inside a small container!
My tea and snack


As you can see, it comes in this small container so while you eat it, you can take it out of the package and leave it on the table..its very pretty and more of a reason why I decided to share it with you.

Its pro is that only 3/4 of the section is covered in chocolate so you don't get chocolate all over your hands. It's a great snack to bring around your school, office etc. to munch on. It is only dipped on one side but the chocolate is rather a thick layer. I really enjoyed it...and the packaging really compliments the food...

So remember how I told you all I was going to visit the dentist and my optomotrist? Here is recap

My trip to the vision centre:

Using my $400 worth of insurance here is what I got came back with:
Extracting my goods before December arrives I recieved a bag full of goodies!! Wow!
The acuvue bag actually is quite sturdy so it's a nice bonus gift I take it.

Inside the bag of goodies...
Unfortunately my eyes did get a little worse...
Before both my eyes were -1.25..but now my right eye seems to have progressed .25 to -1.5
So having some leftover contacts with my old prescription she replaces the old ones too..that's why thers a mounful of them...It's actually 3 months worth of contacts (I use dailys - aka 2 days unless my eyes super irritating) plus whatever leftover I had from previous trip.
Plus I kept my old glasses but they gave me a new lens and tightened up the screws and changed my rusted nose piece for a new rubber one which is quite a service! And complimentary they provided 10 extra lenses and a glasses case + wiper! =D Always happy with little things they give me! WOOT!
My next trip was to my dentist..I was super scared..
1. It was a new dentist (switching dentists cus although the guy was friendly, he wasn't very gently and I don't think he did a very good job..and it was SUPER far..but I had been going to him since I was a kid)
2. I hate dentists
3. Couple weeks ago for the longest time my teeth had been sensitive which I had a hunch that I had a cavity
Great thing is, my dentist is very close! About a 5-10 minute drive! He was very friendly and spoke English to me (yay for my understanding) he gave me very funny stories of being a dentist which really broke the ice and he was very gentle!
I took all these bitewing xrays and everything. But apparently I don't have to file anything, the receptionist got my insurance right away and I recieve $3000/yr =D Pretty awesome. I'm sad the money goes to waste cus I'm not old enough where my teeth are rotting away.
He also explained many things..the fact that I have been getting a lot more cavities than I should be in the past is because I had braces in the past which makes it more prone for cavities. Also it apparently mades the gums recede more which is why I have been getting sensitive teeth in the lower phew! it's not a cavity! He says it is usual for people who have had braces. He said he will give me sensitive toothpaste =)..When he was cleaning..he was very gentle which was always a concern from my other used to REALLY hurt!
The greatest thing about him was that he explained everything he was wasn't all unknown..
He explained what each use of the tool and what he was going to do with it before he did it =) phew!
In the end I came back with another bag of goodies which is a great travel size! :
2 miniature sensitive toothpaste
one travel size floss
one 360 toothbrush (engrave with dentist's name)
Overall it seems I seem to have a good feeling about the dentist..
I must take great use of him during my insurance..
A little bit sad that I can't take full advantage of all the money available banked in my dental insurance!
ta ta for now~!