Friday 14 September 2012

COMplaints of being WEAK

GOOD FRIDAY afternoon peeps =) [I'd say good morning but it's past noon! xd]

I have just completed my yummy brunch...I had a late start today ;) HAHA..It's always a late start of the day when it's gloomy and raining outside...I always feel BLEH and wanna stay and roll around in bed foreverrrrrrr.
This week has been tres interesting =)

Trying to be a little healthy =)...Brunch is served!
EGG, Turkey ham, avec fromage + lettuce on the side on whole grain english muffin
ACKK sry its all jumbled up cus I didn't put enough oil on the pan and everything started sticking :s
Anyways, I've been meaning to discuss Wednesday cus it was a LONG day pour moi~ (je ne sais in the mood to typing francais -_-;;; ok i'll stop teehee)
So on Wednesday, I was up getting ready to meet up with my Researcher cus she wanted me to prepare some things for her class and was scheduled to meet 11am. It's around 10am and I had just gotten out of the shower and getting ready (my house is less than a half hr bus ride to school =D) when i get a call to push it back to 11:20am...So i'm like alright...i'll take extra long to get ready... any of you have those days when you realize you have longer than expected time to get ready? haha so usually for school I am almost au natural and am not much of a make up girl but i decided to put some mascara and eyeshadow on ;) i've got time...and then you realize that you're actually running late?! HAHAH
So I rush out of the door~~~~ . TOday's giant school event is: York Fest~~
It was such a hectic day I totally missed the opportunity to take pictures as I had planned hence you'll have to recieve pictures from an online source via the school website SORRY!
I've taken a print screen of this ...
So heres the 411 on it: basically its this annual festival that occurs at school. Theres like hundreds of clubs who can advertise and try to recruit frosh + other students. THen we've also got other things come e.g- TD bank, Pizza pizza, South st. burger, Victoria Secret, YRT buses etc. that come and promote their thing. So for example, you've had TD bank come and you do some kind of game (i totally forget the name of it but you play it when your a get 5 balls and roll it into a target and certain targets get more pts etc. and if you win you can recieve $$, tshirt, lanyard etc.) and then you've got Pizza pizza selling their food for $1 (normally $3ish+tax- although note* last year it was free) and then you've got Victoria Secret and you spin a wheel and win prizes like a stuffed toy or you go around and collect freebies and a bag full of goodies that the school gives. It's this giant event that you have difficulty walking from one location to another becuase of it's sheer crowdedness...
Anyways I get to school and go to the educational library. It's organizational week so the ERC (educational Resource Centre) is apparently closed. I knock (I am now 5 minutes late which is not too bad) and the guy there has no clue that Jackie (my supervisor) has scheduled to come...and now I'm getting confused cus i swear she told me to come here and I am late too...she should be here O.o
10 minutes later...the head librarian steps in Ana and I tell her the situation and she knows that Jackie has scheduled to come in. it is now nearing i figure i will wait until 12..if she doesn't come i'm gonna leave and i will still log my hours (i need a total of 135 hrs as part of my GAship - Graduate Assistantship FUnding)
Nearing 11:50am..Jackie rushes in and we get to work =) FINALLY! I take a bunch of books, videos, audios and documentary stuff out for her which is a breeze cus I used to basically live in the library ;) Miss. Bookworm nerd!! And finally I'm out the door. Now the location that the books need to be dropped off is curently situations across the campus -_-;;;;;;; and I wanna join that Yorkfeste by usually dies down around 2pm cus they run out of all the freebies. SOOOOoo my supervisor offered to drive me cus my and her destination is close. HAHA
BTW my supervisor aka professor aka researcher has a NICE car...its those sporty Mercedes Benz that is quite cute but sleek. All leather seats and the front end of the seats have been pushed back so it looks almost like a 2 only has 2 doors..Wow. She must be well-off ;) *I note before I take a seat in her fancy car. Her engine is revves into life and she does a nice but illegal U-turn, tells the construction worker she has to go across (although clearly the construction sign says no entering) by telling him that she's late for a non-existant meeting, then scares a guy half to death by almost running over him (*She noted herself) before stopping in front of our destination..It was....quite a ride.
OK too many words I know!!! So...Here's a glimpse of what I wore for that day. BTW later the back of my shirt was grossly wet. EWWWWWW sweat. It was a HOT sunny day which is interesting cus it was FREEZING last week and I wore a jACKET!!!!!
Top: Banana Republic*
Shorts: J.Crew
Necklace: Owl from Ebay ;)
I like this shirt because it has these drawstrings on the side that gives an illusion of a nice body shape =) And cus I'm all lanky I don't have much curve HAAH.
At York you MUST bring a long-sleeve. Any of you going to school know that outside can be 40'c blazing hot and inside can be nearing the singly digits. I found a cardi that covers the frills =) I noticed that the frills didn't look so well with some over them.

I've taken a close-shot of this cus the beads couldn't be seen on my terrible camera phone :s. I shall one day start taking it with my digital cam sry! Note*I usually also wear studs with a long necklace..if i wear any big necklaces I try to keep my ear bare/minimal..otherwise I feel it too powerful and the jewelrys are fighting each other for attention O.O. I am a terrible person in cold weather...y i live in Canada...anyways So i've packed a pair of lululemon pants in my bag to change for classtime.
So I brought this GIANT lululemon bag to fill my goodies with and filled it entirely...I tried to force myself to drink Coconut water..I heard its a great refresher...I ACTUALLY hate the taste of it..OMGish. THey were handing out of bunch of free coconut water and i know my dad likes em so i took 2 for him and one to drink for me...but taste worse the more I drink it...I ended up throwing it out...Is this an acquired taste?!?! I honestly hate to the deep core of detest....
Here is a list of a few free goodies I recieved...I gave some to my daddy..I should have thrown the agendas out...OMG PAPER IS SUPER HEAVY!!!!! I kept it cus it has some important dates I might need to be aware of..but i have TWO
I recieved two clipboards...which are SUPER heavy...I like the mounds of Nivea sample lotions I got =) and the notepads are always useful...a bunch of coupons, pens, bookmarks, got some coconut drinks and a whole lot of bruschetta chips..? They took up a lot of space cus I had about 6 of those...O.o and then some grocery bags..those cloth material ones =)
OKAY It doesn't look big but if you can imagine a HUGE Lululemon bag STUFFED with goodies that is mounds heavy especially with paper+ drinks it's not an easy task to carry that all over school. PLUS this girl was printing our course readings online and you have to do that yourself (no up the articles yourself...just the title is posted) and it takes FOREVEr. and she did it upto end of October and offered to give it to me to save time. =) Yay and since I dind't have a jumpdrive I had to print it all (thank goodness for free printing) and this is what resulted in me carrying:
This is for mid september - end of October readings for ONE CLASS....

Now imagine you're hauling the stuffed giant lululemon bag in one shoulder, carrying a stack of papers on the other hand and carrying a backpack full of ur own notes for tonight's class all across campus...yes it was super difficult. Especially when it's windy and the corners of ur papers are flapping it is NOT an easy task.
That was my day =)
Here I would like to end off by complimenting my bee dot eff.
Here is the proof that he went grocery shopping by himself =)  He definately did not cook when he lived at home (saying that his life was luxurious with his grandma cooking for him every meal) so seeing all these amazing and healthy goodies ready to be cooked is definately worth a compliment!
GOOD JOB BOO! keep studying hard =) good luck on ur upcoming midterms!!! AJA~~
with lots of love~ <3