Monday 12 November 2012

The blog of FOOD

WHAZZZZ up. THis is my THIRD blog today..feeling the remorse for neglecting my blog lately.

Here are random facts to get to know me:
-Korean (probably know)
-First year Master's Program
-Live in Toronto, Canada (specifically borderline on the Thornhill side)
-Have an older brother
-Am allergic to almost all outdoor stuff..especially birch..and CATS CATS are my most painful allergic memory
-Am a sucker for nail designs...whenever I get the time I try to work on my nails (check out my Halloween nails on the post 2wks ago) - I get super frustrated during but the payoff is total pride
-Favourite colour: PINK (girly yes) it's been lavender for the longest time but it's most due to the name..less the colour. White is nice..and hot pink sometimes ;)
-This past summer I went to Grenada and loved the Caribbean Ocean. It was the warmest (yet saltiest) water I swam in. I also thoroughly enjoyed snorkeling for the first time.
-Am a sucker for boots (I just LOVE boots) and PURSES (what is up with me and owning tons of them?!)
-ATTEMPTING to experiment on the eye-make up..going for the au-natural look but make-up is expensive so it's hard to experiment with (what if I buy something for tons of $$ and end up not using it cus I don't like it?)
-I am schedule to go to FLorida this TOTALLY psyched for warm weather at this moment..and SUNSHINE finally!!
-My favourite holiday has to be Christmas...all the glamour and happiness..and just surrounded by the colour white (minus the slush) and all those holiday  music just totally gets me vamped up (you holiday crashers who told Shoppers Drugmart to take down Christmas music! Get in a festival spirit you grouches!)
-Oh did I tell you? I collect stationary. Oh I'm a nerd. I try out all the newest vampest stationary...for one I got shipped this new highlighter from Korea where when you use it, its actually like made of wax (crayon-like material) so it's glides on nicely n doesn't bleed through like ink. It's awesome..but it's hard to see exactly where you are highlighting...or the time when I went crazy over ink pens and highlighters that erase. And most pens are 0.7mm. but I have a collection of 0.5mm or 0.3mm! It just writes really nicely!! <--See? I'm obsessed.

OK today's blog is actually about FOOD
So over the past weeks I have been taking pictures of foods that I've been eating and since I keep forgetting to bloggggggg here is a collection of them:
I ate this for dinner: It's super easy pasta to make. I basically put whatever vegetable sauteed it..and then used a pasta salsa type..called SUN-DRIED TOMATO pesto. from the bran CLASSICO. After I sauteed the vegetables I wanted I threw in the sauce and basically tossed it with my noodles and sprinkled cheese (cheese makes a big diff). You can add meat to it..I left it vegetarian. with a side salad.

Here is another dinner. The chicken is kinda ripped cus I kept having to check if it was fully cooked (don't want no pink chicken!)  I thinly sliced the potatoes, drizzled it on with olive oil and salt and peppered it and then baked it in a toaster oven with marinated chicken. I marinted it with olive oil, bbbq sauce, ketchup, salt, pepper. and a whole load of salad

This was a breakfast food. I just ate a simple english muffin with fried egg/lettuce/ketchup and cheese.
Then my mom bought pinapple so I sliced some pineapple and ate it. Lately I've been trying to eat more fruit (apparently it's a luxury in Korea so I must take advantage of it)...I was never a fruit person. So the past couple days I've been on pomengrante. Noone eats them except me so it's taking me a couple days to devour it all. Does anyone know to cut them up properly? If I slice it with a knife, I end up cutting parts of the seeds and the juice all seeps everywhere..If I try to split it with my hands the seeds tend to fly everywhere upon my completion of split..O.o

This I had yesterday...YUM. My brother must have marinated the chicken..So i ate that as my meat portion..I love salad so I'm eating some greenery. Tofu (earth's meat) and potatoes that I baked (YUM) and KIMCHI..basically pickled cabbage that Korean people eat..My mom made a whole batch of them for the winter term and theyre super fresh so theyre really good! I'm not a craver of kimchi but when theyre fresh I want to take advantage of em..oh and I totally forgot..that black stuff? Theyre beans...My mom cooks it with soysauce and sugar n stuff ..makes it taste amaZINg!!
Here is the next food my mom made..actually I don't think she made it spicy enough..but it's a Korea dish called 'YUKGAEJANG" It's superbly YUMMY (perhaps one of my fav korean dishes)
It is beef, cabbage, egg, green onion, bean sprouts, onion and whatever yummy thing available)

Here is in my dish. OH it's super yummy. At my dad's request my mom made it. I always ask my mom to make it and she never makes it!

I stir-friend some rice..OMG I put too much of that TIKKI masala and totally ruined my meal..
I used indian rice aka Basmati Rice.
This time I added the soysauce to garlic, onion and corn and stir-fried it. then added the broccoli and you can tell it's not as brown (from the soysauce). I think it would've turned out really nicely if I hadn't pukered up the indian powder. xp. Oh I forgot. that yellow stuff? I added pinapples as we had a lot lying around..The pineapple really helped with the flvour to balance out the strong indian spice.

Here's a close-up..Next time either little on the indian spice or exempt it altogether..your choice!
Pineapple fried-rice!
Next on: BAKING!
I did tell you I am terrible baker...So I decided to cheat and buy a pre-mix (YUM but a lot of sugar I'd say...for now! UNTIL i become a baker!)
APPARENTLY (noone told me this on the internet google search) when you bake cupcakes You NEED to bake the cupcakes in a cupcake tray!!
AKA this:
Who knew?
I assumed the damn paper could hold the cupcakes up...
WOW (R YOU for real? You're a master's student?!!!)
:( Yes I told you I am a terrible baker...
So I just put the cupcake cups on a flat tray (no holes)
and they ozzed out as they cooked and stretched out the cups that was cooking in em
SO I got creative and took it all out of the paper cups and re-shaped them..aka:

The best thing about my cupcakes were the icing!
I mixed up softened butter (eventually they softened up), cream cheese (oh the key flavour) and icing sugar (with a droplet of water) and scraped it into a plastic baggy. then cut a hold in it to decorate...
I put too much water in mine so I couldn't make them 3D unfortunately but..
creamcheese icing is my favourite kind of icing it tasted DELISH!

Here are the ones that turned out GOOD and didn't need cutting!

Heres my bite into one of them. It tasted really good! I will bake this again another time!
I wanted to bring one to my friend but my brother ate the rest -___-..and then he didn't even compliment on them! He was all 'well..they weren't even in the cupcake took em all out"..
Review of fast-food:
Mcdees has recently for a limited time you can get these things called McBITES.
I decided to try em out.
Personally. I think they are chicken nuggets split in half HAHAHA. Theyre not that cheap either for the number you get..You get it in this cute little box though...10 for around $5. if you make it a meal its like $2 more..I wasn't too full..maybe next time i'll go for teh 20 without the meal..

They also provided this hot habarnero sauce..which I assumed it (since it's a white franchise) to be white-spicy..for those of you who knwo what white-spicy means it has a hint of spice but you can't really tell unless you think really HARD..but this was got my nose runny. I thoroughly enjoyed it..I mixed it with ketchup cus it's one the sweeter side (it lessened the spice)

In the plaza near my house there's a new pizza place that opened up..
it's actually AMAZING. I LOVED it. perhaps my favourite thus far.

It's quite pricey...approx $2/slice if you calculate it..I got a large and the dough is really chewy and crispy in all the right places..and the cheese is so good.
The meat they put on it slices of this spicy salami that really complimented the sun-dried tomatoes.

And finally...for those of you who have been keeping up with my blog:
I usually START with my outfits..but today I decided to END with mon daily clothes:
Here's two I had time to take pics of:
This is one outfit I took to school. If you're at school adn you've been sitting on your butt for longer than 2 hours your body heat starts to evaporate adn you can't produce your own heat anymore.. so I'm going for warmth. It's a weird colour mix..but for some reason I kinda like it HAHA
Cardigan: Lacoste
Button-up shirt: JoeFresh
Pants: GAP
Earrings: XXII
Yesterday was a beautiful day so I decided to wear out in a skirt =)
I contemplated on keeping this blouse because it was a little pricey for xxii. But whatevs I really think it's nice.  (shoes I wore ankle booties with heels) everyone around me is so tiny in my church I felt like a giant. LOL
Sheer black Blouse: XXII
Plain Longsleeve: GAP
Skirt: GAP
Belt: Prada
Tights: GAP?
Earrings: XXII
I honestly think the best place to shop for earrings is at XXII.
They've got the best selection for all styles AND they're massively cheap. I noticed that if your earrings aren't made of real metal (, silver etc.) then a year matter how favourite your earrings are theyre goign to RUST and you can't wear em anymore! =(
SOOOoooOO here are my newest collections...did I say I collect earrings? LOL..
(sorry for the terrible lighting! I told you  my world was dark!)
I was wearing bottom left on the first pic and on the second picture I am wearing the gold top earrings. Because the gold ones are bigger I wear it with my hair down. The black ones I like wearing it with my hair up because it's harder to see the black ones since my hair is naturally darker.
I hope you've thoroughly enjoyed my earrings and blog as much as I enjoy writing them!
My trend shows that I blog mostly about FOOD, CLOTHES/Fashion and my daily life of complaints LOL...

Melting Pot fiesta

Re-BLOGGING again..
I've split my blog into two even though it's the same day.. I realized that after a long day at the computers (whether it's working on TESOL or typing up papers and researching) I really don't want to spend too much time working with computers any more than I need to..maybe i'll make vlogs... but that requires a lot of editing n stuff..hahaha...

Anyways, I wanted to share that I went to MELTING POT! I consider him an acquaintance friend because...I met him in first year (was in the same Linguistics class) but never really talked to him until my boyfriend befriended him and they became super tight...anyways so he said he'd solely take on the responsibility of a substitute boyfriend until mine returns (LOL thankful except that he totally doesn't do that) but we went to melting pot!
It's like as everyone in the review says a WHITE version of hot-pot.
We went for the dessert part because it's much cheaper $2/18. If you go on a Monday it's half price if you buy a drink but he didn't think saving $10 was worth going at a later time (the thoughts of a working person) so it's the first one that opened up in Canada (they have a bunch in the States)
We walk in and it's LITERALLY a maze. We weaved in an out the restaurant and I would be happy to see the layout of it becuase it's was really cool but easily could get lost. The great thing is there are a BUNCH of little booths separated by walls so it's very private for your own. I loved the atmosphere.
We also got a really nice and friendly server and I totally loved him.

These are the  menus..You probably can't see them close enough..I tried taking a picture with a phone but terrible so here's the link if you want to go see:
BTW if you live in the states...its cheaper to go eat there...about $10 per meal or couple dollars saved on the dessert..same foods -_-. In Canada everything seems to be more expensive...
I wonder why they never bring the cheesecake factory over to Canada :s

You get a napkin wrapped in fondue sticks...and the heater is over's a small pot..and it's double layered (as my AQfriend pointed out..) in the larger pot there is boiling water adn then in the inner pot (inside the larger pot) is where the chocolate melts
We ordered the flaming turtle and basically...(I asked the server) it's milk chocolate and he throws in a lot of pecans covered in..sugar? (it's sweetened) and then he pours a little bit of rum and puts it on fire... (it's difficult to see with my camera but those subtle blue flames are fire)

Here is our dish..I totally want to come with my boyfriend cus he's nhot a fan of sweets so I can totally eat more and enjoy more QT time with him (my AQfriend isn't as slow at eating as I am and isn't as thoughtful)

 Here is the close get bananas, oreo crumb and soething else covered marshmellows, bunch of strawberries, fudge, bits of bound cake and a cheese cake! YUM I totally had to floss and brush my teeth asap when I got home..I felt the cavaties coming on!
Little blurry but you can see the pinapple dipping into the chocolate fondue..
It was delish! and I had a fan time...although I think my AQfriend had a little too much fun..He absolutely adored it LOL...
I'm reblogging again for FOOD that I've been eating and cooking! It doesn't seem right to clump it all together...
But I will definately have to go again.
I thoroughly enjoyed the flaming turtle. Next time I will try different fondues so I'm excited.
:s thankful I can still eat sweets..but scared I honestly think I've got cavaties...getting them checked this wed! Wish me luck :O!!

PURE words by Lone

OOPS! I skipped a week last week! I shall have to make it an even LONGER blog.
Today is a fan day in terms of temperature =D! okay so last hailed slash slush snowed and all that crazy stuff...RIGHT???
DO YOU KNOW WHAT the temperature of today was? (and ytd fyi) 18' BLOODY degrees (c')!

I JUST had to take advantage of that and I went outside to do some excercising ;) aka jumping jacks and then some back and forth criss-cross elbow-to-knee excercise.

:s LOL...but the past month we've had i think 2 days of sunshine (and by that since daylight savings is on and the sunlight has been going down earlier and at 5pm...) we've had like 4 hrs of fullday sunshine since then..its been terribly glommy. Even today is gloomy...which may contribute to my terrible mood these days...

Last week I went to get some papers signed at the Registar's office (UGh admin errands) and I've never met a nice admin person. sorry. but SCHOOL needs to hire some happy workers..they don't have to be HAPPY per se...but just not take everything out on students!!

SCENE: After waiting half an hr (not unusual) I get a call to go inside..

I say: Hello (usual greeting) and present the paper that ONLINE it told me to print out.

she says: 'What is this? You've just presented a paper to me. What do you want' (hello to you too! I haven't even had a chance to explain!!!)

I say: Oh I need a paper that says that I'm registered for this year at the school. I know I can do it online but I'm an education student so online they told me to print this form and go in person.

She says: Yes well...this is useless. You can just tell me in person.

I say: Oh says to print it out online so I'm just following the instructions.

She says: Well. You don't need to print it out if you're coming to me in person. You know...this is only if your faxing or emailing..

I say: OK well I didn't know that (obviously if I printed it out) because online it says to print the form out

She says: Well...I'm just saying you could've saved ink and trees. BLAH BLAH BLAH..goes on ranting about me wasting paper etc...

I: (literally this is the face I'm making- SHOCK) "O.O" (WTF???)

She says: Are you listening? You know ....(starts talking about me wasting paper...she doesn't understand the fact that online it says to print it and i'm following instructions..JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN PAPER) - FYI she RE-told her story THREE times before I was let go with her signature.

I: (upon leaving...didn't want to say anything in case she held onto my paper) Next time if you really want people to save paper maybe you should change what it says online. I'm just following the instruction...JUST SAYING.

SHe put in a terrible mood after. why is she ranting on about paper? WOULD I have uncessarily gone through the trouble to print that out if I knew I didn't need to print it out? she cray...CRAY. CRAZy.
stop taking it all out on us! I'm pretty sure her anger did not come out from me wasting a single sheet of paper....and btw FOO it's called recycling

Lately having only 2 classes a week and having my boyfriend shipped down the continent I have been having a lot of individual time which resorts to all the LONELY pity time upon myself. =(

It's come to my understanding that I do not have many girlfriends..and it is ESPECIALLY difficult to befriend and get close to new girlfriends as I am not in highschool anymore so I don't come across seeing someone almost everyday spending time with them and getting to know them. It is one of those unfortunate circumstances in life where I happen to come across.

So I have made the effort to call upon one of my oldest but drifted apart friend. We've drifted apart a lot because #1: my fault because I realized that I took advantage of the fact that she used to make most of the effort to come see me #2 Her fault because after I realized my taken for granted meetings it was kinda late and she started all this vball thing with her other group and ditched me a lot on our dates which left me hurt...#3: BOTH our faults because after we kinda both stopped making effort.

So in order to hitch back our friendship I called her up for another date. I told her make time for me and it doesn't matter where we eat or see each other and for her to choose. She agreed. The night before our meet up she tells me that she has this vball thing in the evening...and left us a 2 hr window to chill..which left me hurt AGAIN..becuase I feel that if a friend hasn't seen in you a REALLY long time (btw this is like 4 years though it technically isn't as long cus I've known her since I was a baby) if it was upto I'd make that extra effort from the usual things to go see her instead..but anyways whatever..i said fine. I can have a drink with you or whatever...but it never happened...

The night of her birthday she calls me up (random but I guess not unusual given the history of friendship we have) and tells me how she has nothing to do on her bday adn things flopped or I say (since it IS her bday) I'll take you out and see you then. She agrees and says she'll give me a call as shes leaving soon after she gets ready. FLOPS again....I never got the call and I never heard from her....12am I msg her a sarcastic msg (it was mean cus it was her bday but she keeps doing this to me!) and apparently she met up with her vball totally crushed me but it did remind me why we haven't met in the longest time. now I'm over it and everything but I did realize that a girlfriend is needed in my life...

Here are my criteria (although I highly doubt I will find the PERFECT gf):
-It'd be great if she was Asian HAHA (stereotypical) but we'd have a lot more in common
-Christian (same morals, values and beliefs actually a big thing)
-School (If she was in grad school then we could totally spend time studying together at each other's houses)
-Live nearby (then we could just chill at each other's houses n do our whatever)
-Not be bounded down (then we could travel together to those cheap Cancun trips in winter...with her bf and my bf like a couple thing..or just me n her)
-Don't be vegetarian (I've lived with a gf for a bit who was vegetarian and whenever we went out she refused to order dishes that was purely salad cus she said she'd be hungry and then when I told her to order any dish on the menu and simply take the meat out refused as well cus she said meat dishes cost more! It was either...go to vegetarian restaurant or go home deal. I mean Im not a fan of eating meat all the time either (prefer vege meals occassionally) but if I can't go into a restuarant because they don't serve specifically for vegetarians and you refuse to alter the dish then...sorry.
-CLICK (her personality has to click with mine. There are great people that I appreciate and are nice..but if our personalities don't click then it's just tough to be super close with)
-Shopping (Please enjoy shopping. I know someone who doesn't like shopping! WHat girl doesn't like shopping? that is one of the best stress-relievers and fun things to do with other girls. and Plus..that's one of the things you can do with another girl and get to know each other. LOL.

OK this is my list at the top of my head. I probably wont for a really long time meet another close girlfriend that will click with me (esp. with all the criteria) but it'd be nice to wish upon. I am a loser who can't find a way to befriend new people. lol. Who knew how there are billions of people around you all the time but how hard it is to go outside that boundary and meet new people and befriend them in way to get close? I mean it's not like you can just GO upto a random person and start chatting (what limited opportunities pose for new friendship) I say...since there are those speed DATING things..someone should hook up a speed FRIENDSHIP thing..I mean I can't be the only 23year old girl thinking this...and it's always nice to befriend MORE people than less right? :s and if that opportunity provides you to find someone who clicks wiht you and has a lot in common then go for it. someone invent SPEED do sound desperate..

BUT if you DO have someone like that in your life on a daily basis..or even weekly where you can go see them whenever you want n not feel like you're invading their space or whatever and they don't mind but instead are welcomed warmly then I must say you are lucky and don't take it for granted.

For now..I will cherish the friends that I have...Not CLOSE friends to the degree..but friends where I meet up with once a month or ever so often. I will keep that going =).

Perhaps one day I can find someone that I can befriend and see not once a month or every few months..but someone who can be in my daily every day-to-day life. I really do hope that it is before I marry LOL (I'm worrying about my maid-of-honour! DURH).. I've got a few years...but times ticking!

Today my daily routine consists of:
TESOL course that I'm dying to complete...worked for days and only started on Module2
SCHOOL and always forever school work
DRAMA once in a while I catch up on Kdramas or shows (BIGbang theory, how i met your mother)
COOKING so I don't starve
MASSAGE taking advantage of my biweekly massages (woot insurance)

It is daym cold. -->

If you're korean you probably own one of these...
during the day in winter..I work with a small heating mat (or if I have my period..def helps) my controller is broken and stuck on high (wont budge!!) but it's actually warm so I'll do with..

At Night you turn on your heating mattress (which is actually a  sheet of mat that you cover your mattress with) and I happen to buy one with jade stones which is quite hard on the knees so don't go on my mattress one your knees!) and sleep warmly! GBYE...MY blog continues same day but next blog.