Monday 12 November 2012

Melting Pot fiesta

Re-BLOGGING again..
I've split my blog into two even though it's the same day.. I realized that after a long day at the computers (whether it's working on TESOL or typing up papers and researching) I really don't want to spend too much time working with computers any more than I need to..maybe i'll make vlogs... but that requires a lot of editing n stuff..hahaha...

Anyways, I wanted to share that I went to MELTING POT! I consider him an acquaintance friend because...I met him in first year (was in the same Linguistics class) but never really talked to him until my boyfriend befriended him and they became super tight...anyways so he said he'd solely take on the responsibility of a substitute boyfriend until mine returns (LOL thankful except that he totally doesn't do that) but we went to melting pot!
It's like as everyone in the review says a WHITE version of hot-pot.
We went for the dessert part because it's much cheaper $2/18. If you go on a Monday it's half price if you buy a drink but he didn't think saving $10 was worth going at a later time (the thoughts of a working person) so it's the first one that opened up in Canada (they have a bunch in the States)
We walk in and it's LITERALLY a maze. We weaved in an out the restaurant and I would be happy to see the layout of it becuase it's was really cool but easily could get lost. The great thing is there are a BUNCH of little booths separated by walls so it's very private for your own. I loved the atmosphere.
We also got a really nice and friendly server and I totally loved him.

These are the  menus..You probably can't see them close enough..I tried taking a picture with a phone but terrible so here's the link if you want to go see:
BTW if you live in the states...its cheaper to go eat there...about $10 per meal or couple dollars saved on the dessert..same foods -_-. In Canada everything seems to be more expensive...
I wonder why they never bring the cheesecake factory over to Canada :s

You get a napkin wrapped in fondue sticks...and the heater is over's a small pot..and it's double layered (as my AQfriend pointed out..) in the larger pot there is boiling water adn then in the inner pot (inside the larger pot) is where the chocolate melts
We ordered the flaming turtle and basically...(I asked the server) it's milk chocolate and he throws in a lot of pecans covered in..sugar? (it's sweetened) and then he pours a little bit of rum and puts it on fire... (it's difficult to see with my camera but those subtle blue flames are fire)

Here is our dish..I totally want to come with my boyfriend cus he's nhot a fan of sweets so I can totally eat more and enjoy more QT time with him (my AQfriend isn't as slow at eating as I am and isn't as thoughtful)

 Here is the close get bananas, oreo crumb and soething else covered marshmellows, bunch of strawberries, fudge, bits of bound cake and a cheese cake! YUM I totally had to floss and brush my teeth asap when I got home..I felt the cavaties coming on!
Little blurry but you can see the pinapple dipping into the chocolate fondue..
It was delish! and I had a fan time...although I think my AQfriend had a little too much fun..He absolutely adored it LOL...
I'm reblogging again for FOOD that I've been eating and cooking! It doesn't seem right to clump it all together...
But I will definately have to go again.
I thoroughly enjoyed the flaming turtle. Next time I will try different fondues so I'm excited.
:s thankful I can still eat sweets..but scared I honestly think I've got cavaties...getting them checked this wed! Wish me luck :O!!

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