Friday 12 October 2012

My 2nd Massage!

Hey hey~
Not too much going on today

The weather itself was superbly cold. Lately the weather's been dipping down..Quebec has already recieved it's share of snow....apparently it snowed more this morning! Too early!! Halloween hasn't even passed yet :s

well..not of yet..but the leaves are changing colour and I wanted to share em with you.
I took a picture of my backyard cus no one has had the chance to rake the leaves yet and I thought it was a pretty sight
Sorry I didn't realize the twig was in the way but it looks like colourful pieces of paper crumpled and scattered across the grass. Grass is still green ;) <3 C'est belle!

Day2 of massage therapy =)
Today was a very different experience from my first!

Anyways, so I went in today and remembered to take a picture of thee room~!
For those of you who have never been to a massage and would like to know the atmosphere:
Nothing special. But on the upper right corner there is this steamer (I think) and basically when you go in and lay down they put it on ur body to warm you up. The great thing with this massage therapist was that I was freezing when I came in and she turned the heater mat and put it where my tummy would've been and it warmed up my tummy! and then later when she was working on my upper body she moved it to warm my feet (my feet were freezing too!)

I noticed that Janna was a lot more whole-body focused...on relaxation. Whereas Jasmine was focusing more on getting those knots out. Janna worked on my legs a lot too and she was a lot softer...didn't really hurt at all..except random points she pointed out and she has this putting pressure on certain areas that are painful and then 'does this hurt? is this better? tell me when the hurting goes away' a TON of times. Overall very friendly. She talked more and communicated with me. It was actually a little bit more comfortable with her..maybe cus she was older? not sure...
she also did the neck stretching thing and arm stretching thing...I didn't know massage therapists did that..hrmm..but after. it felt good. =) Possibly it is my psuedo mind persuading me... I enjoyed it...The only thing I liked Jasmine more was that at the end she also did the heat wet towel thing on my body to wipe up the massage oil and then dried my body but with Janna she only provided the dry towel and I had to do it myself. so...

BUT great thing about Janna was that she gave me some tips on how to stay well throughout the week. She knew that I was a student so every hr she recommended that I stretch my neck from studying. She also noted that I should stretch my lower back when I get up (tucking my body and touching chin) which was very helpful. I will try that out!

After she told me she gave me a waterbottle and told me to stay hydrated. Blue water bottle is cool and I am a fan of spring water!

And I also became a member of the Hand & Stone Spa and Massage LOL...--a? I thought I'd try it out. It's about $20 cheaper every visit if I become a member than if I wasn't one. lol. The catch is that I have to visit at least 1 time a month and recieve a massage otherwise they will charge me even if I don't go. But I figured I will probably go every other week (or two times a month) so I might as well become a member. And if I am going to quit, I have to tell them 30 days in advance. hrmm.. I'll have to figure out when my plan expires LOL. *NOte to self: Call SunLife.

This is the closest massage place to my house and so far I am pretty satisfied with it =).

Oh did I mention? The presentation I did last week? (the one I stressed more than I should have?) I recieved a A-! Yay! I wish the minus disappeared but still very much happy!

And I heard a someone else recieved a part of their mid-term mark...ahem a boyfriend has just noted that he has recieved the same mark for his BioChem exam =) Very proud! Happy happy! Congrats and don't party too much this weekend even if your midterms are done~!

Working on my next paper on the same class! Hearts~

post script: I am tres happy that Gossip Girl is back on! OMGish Serena's dress is to DIE-for.
<3 j'adore times a hundred. the fashion in that show is the only reason u need to keep on watching!
And the back of it has this sheer white thin pretty <3 Loved her dress by far. Very well done!
Short blog today SO I shall add some more past vacation pictures! EnJOY
Here is me finding a conch

We found a lime tree. Ever wondered what a lime tree looks life? I've never seen one but we were walking to eat one day and came across this tree and when we dissected the fruit it turned out to be a lime! AWESOME?

We drove up the mountain to see this rare view. Astonishing! This is St.Georg'es harbour

I couldn't find another picture..I will upload more later. but I'm trying to dry my feet. We visited the Annandale Falls LINK:

This is another beautiful beach that I totally miss <3 <3 Look at the colour of the waters...
Absoluately beautiful. the scenery! It looks like out of a book..
It's super salty can feel it in your mouth and up your nose..not very pleasant LOL

<3 Happy smiles

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