Friday 5 October 2012

bonjour ;) I have sooOOooo much to catch up on!

Hey Hey~

I am lagging on the blogging aren't I?
I have been super out of it lately..super streesed for NOTHING O.o..well not nothing but just..overly stressed. Yesterday I had my first presentation fo the year and I was super nervous! I was superbly nervous that on Wednesday I was working on my presentation and was so consumed by it that when it was time for class I rushed over and I ended up going to the my thursday class that I had the presentation for! And it so coincidently happens that the room I crashed in on was the class that my supervisor was teaching...She looked up and you could totally tell there was wth...? face. LOL

I think it went ok =)...I hope so..worth 25% of my mark. ;) We even served cookies and some coffee for the presentation (brownie points!)...I honestly think it is a education thing..In all my education classes whenever there is a presentation (even for my AQ aka additional qualification courses for ed) there is always food..
education people really enjoy food. lol...btw those giant box of coffee for a group? only $19 including tax @ Starbucks =) group member even prepared these delicious cookies.
HAHA get it? cus my class is: 2nd language teaching so these are all the phonetic letters. LOL I don't even know how to pronounce half of them (I only took 1st year linguistics and it was MAD hard!!)

Since Ive been lagging on the blogging I have been taking more pictures though adn have been recording my life I will share em with PATIENT!

OKAY I totally have been out of posting my outfits too =). Sooo. here's outfit #1. actually this was like last week some family wanted to go out for some yummy celebration..I think my brother wanted some family time (ironic given the fact that he's always ditching on family dinners during bdays) so....
Sweater: Lacoste
Top: Gap white tank
Yoga Pants: Abercrombie

Look at the delish food! korean restuarants they give you like a million and one side dishes to eat with your main..
I tried to stretch my fingers as much as possible in order to include all my food..but fail.
We ordered BBQ duck to cook (as you can see it's still raw) then we ordered pork cutlet (right bottom corner) and tofu soup (which is in that left black stone bowl). the rest are things that either go inside the lettuce wrap (main is of course duck) OR they are side dishes...=)
It was YUMs..except my mom wasn't feeling well that day so my brother daddy and me ate everything HAHA....what comes after with the duck dish is this soup. so basically they took the bones of the duck and made it a base and cooked up soup in it..and then they add vegetables and noodles adn they give it to you after..but there was so much food that we took it to go. =)
the place is called (lol): Piggy's resturant...if any of you have tried it the literal translation is actually 'Piggy Piggy" but I guess they trunkated the 2nd Piggy. Har.
Some time last week was a BEAUTIFULly weathered day:
This is taken from my backyard. HELLO? It was sooo warm you could totally wear shorts and a tshirt =D! The sun was shining brilliantly I had to take a picture (sorry the pic is sideways)
and I decided to cook some PASTA once again lol

Look at my backyard! They've got tomatoes growing! I definately had to pick em!
Awesome organic tomatoes growing in my backyard!
SUPER fresh and directly off the stem!
All it recieves is water and look how big it grew!

These I ate em as snacks..I didn't throw them into my pasta but I just popped the cherry tomatoes.
Brilliantly red and ready to eat. SLURP?!
I took the tomato from my backyard and sliced them up ready for eating!

Used the rest of the mainara sauce from last time...

sliced up a bunch of vegetables!I also found spicy peppers (not the bell) on the right top and sliced them up for some BAM! in your mouth ;)
For the mushroom if you didn't know you need to PEEL them..they peel easily with a simple knife which is great. I also slice a tip of the stem don't need to but I find it a little bruised or some dirt after I wash so I trim it a little.

boiling lots of delish noodles..if you look closely you can tell that there are spiral noodles harhar
This is just with the sauce..

after the noodles are ready I usually mix it in with the sauce in the pan and then cook it for a few minutes just to let the sauce seep into the noodles =)

Here's a bite. I've also added marble cheese and let it melt. YUMS! Making me HUNGRY!
Oh I forgot..I also added some ham for meat so i found some ham and diced them up
Then...with Canadian weather it suddenly became...COLD
Scarf: some Indian store downtown
Long sleeve top: GAP
Yoga Pants: Lululemon
Wrap: Banana Republic
So I borrowed my mommy's wrap...and it's suppose to have drawstrings for you to tie around your waiste but I couldn't find them..and the terrible thing was that it was 5% rabbit fur which i DID not know! and if you have clothing that has part animal DO NOT wear yoga pants with it cus it's going to smear all over and fly around...the wrap looks good adn it's quite warm but I honestly think I was allergic to the clothing -_-. my nose was so irritated the entire day!
and when I got home my poor pants had to go through some tape operation (Use tape and tape the entire half of my pants until the fur is all off)
And one day while checking the school email I found what I thought was volunteer work $24/hr for 4 hrs/day! So i thought what jolly great $$ and surely signed up =D I was super excited to work! So basically for my school I'm part of a CUPE union because I'm GA (Graduate Assistant) and so it was election time for the cupe and I decided to volunteer for the table...

So basically I sit here and when people want to come vote for CUPE elections I cross their name off and give them a ballet and they go and vote behind that white square bristle board. lol turns out theres a REASOn why they call it volunteer -_-;;; It's actually $25/4hrs/day. I only found out like on the last day when the guy I was volunteering with told me..I didn't even believe him at first that I went on the website to check  -_- UGH! well..i did catch up on Pretty Little Liars (a mystery show that I'm kinda scared of but is captivating to watch..and they have good fashion ;D!)
Yesterday was acutally pretty warm so I wore this:
Scarf: Some indian store downtown
Lace Tank: Aritzia
Sweater: Banana Republic
Tights: GAP
Socks: Roots
I took a picture of my tank close up cus it's difficult to see with the smaller picture. You can see the lace designs a lot better..For some reason I'm really into lacy stuff. =) I love the intricate designs they have!
So...on the way out of my house it's funny cus I found this! har har:

the funny thing is this is all over my front yard! who scattered poisonous mushrms seeds on my front yard! It's kinda cool how big it became. I put my hand in there to show you the size. they're actually quite large. if I didn't look at the thin stems I would've guessed they look liek the mushrooms we eat! haha. funny. I thought they were marvelous! I've got mushrms growing in my front yard!
acck..I can't figure out how to turn this picture :s
But fall is definately coming! I'm super excited! I love when leaves are scattered on the ground!

Such a pretty sight. Reminds me of my childhood days when my friends and I would be walking home and we'd see all these leaves and we'd gather all the leaves together and jump in them and throw them at each other..mind you it wasn't that clean..and a lot of them were wet and gross hahaha. but it was still fun.The small leaves are falling down already (a lot faster than the maple leaves or the wide ones..those are still in process of changing colours). These leaves are cute!
The past month I've been leaving my hands free of lacquer...but after my presentation yesterday I decided to take the time to prep up. new method has been do one hand the first day and another the day after...otherwise I get super impatient and while the one hand is still in the process of drying I try to do my other hand and end up ruining my original hand. Here's how they turned out =)

Originally I was going to do a halloween colour theme but then I realized my oranges are more reddish so I just went with the Grey/pink theme. =)
I actually wanted the braid nail on my middle and ring finger but it was just taking wayyy too long so I decided to just do it on one finger haha. and then I like to mix up my designs...otherwise it gets boring ;) but i try to stay within the same colour theme =) cute?
I'm telling you..GOOD tape is your best friend for nail designs..
*NOte to self: I need better tape -_-;;;
and my FINAL post is a book that my urban education professor brought out:
She passed the book around for us to see and I thought I'd share a few of my favourites
I love these kind of picture humour.
I wanted to credit the author so...this is MY TORONTO

J'adoreeeee this picture..I enlarged it incase you wanted to look for your language. You can see that this is actually the outline of can see the CNTower as well..but then it literally shows how Toronto is made up of multiculturalism. Peopel of all over the world! I can't see my language ;) 토론토 <-- Toronto Can you spot this?

If you see this: Yorkville is where all the rich people reside. It has all the name brands to non-brands from Gucci - Louis Vuitton - Burberry - HnM - Nike etc. So on the left shows the riches of richh and then the timeline of history shows that it hasn't always been that actually used to be crummy...hahha

This is the past (before my birth) the lakeview could be seen from all over. Now with the giant skyscrapers everywhere...the lakview has actually...disappeared LOL

Anyone been to Pacific Mall aka Pmall? HAHAHA. It's literally like...CHINA. One would think they entered China. My very first time I went to Pacific Mall in Highschool I thought I was back in Asia.

This is quite the reality. People become a #.

Anyone been the ROM? WHY the heck did they destroy the historical building and literally put a diamond on it?! It's become this modernized glass building. =( Super sad. I loved the history of the building.
FUNNY. Read caption: Toronto's favourite game

This is really funny becuase EVERY driver hates bikers and every biker hates becomes WAR.

Another kind of war...raccoons always WIN! Theyre like everywhere and you can't get rid of them! It's terrible because you can't leave out garbage the night before garbage day otherwise the raccoons will knock over your green box or rip through your garbage bags with their vicious claws.

I added this to show my boyfriend that Toronto is always near Grenada =) We're just next door!

Finally. This is superbly cute...Fast forward to 2010...hahahah
I hope you enjoyed a compilement of the past few weeks of my life. =)
Enjoy! Lots of pictures have been here!
To top it off: Here are a few of my favourite pictures in my Grenada trip:

My bf and I about to go into the waters =D! BEAUTY

 I took a panorama picture with my ipod! =D looks like a postcard eh????

Enjoy~ Happy Smiles

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