Monday 24 September 2012

OUT and about

Hey all~ I really should be doing my readings!! It's already past 5pm! Eek~

Hows thys been? I honestly should take more pictures but my mind just is not used to recording my life through pictures! :s

I wanted to discuss my saturday evening...I know it's Monday =( BOO what a late OOman!

On Saturday I've heard of a new place called "The Melting Pot". Actually its not new cus its a franchise but it's new in Canada...There are a bunch out there somewhere in America..So basically I wanted to go just for dessert. THey give you a bunch of little things and in the 'melting pot' aka a fondue you can dip them in these chocolates! check it out (i'm not advertising though!)


It's about $10 each..i know pricy for a dessert but it's something different so I wanted to try..
HOWEVER omgish! we went around just after 7pm and the place was packed to the maxxxx
apparently they wouldn't have a spot after 9pm!! Wow...what a long wait..

OH! btw here's what I wore for the evening..I definately should have dressed warmer and wore a JACKET!!
Terrible Lighting i know..I'm wearing:
Navy Blue Blazer: Zara (3/4 sleeve length)
White with golden sparkle top: H&M
Navy Blue Jeans: True Religion
Heels: Franco Sarto
+ My favourite owl necklace!

It's super hard to see exactly the detail on my clothes i's another take on the shoes though
if you look carefully they're actually shiny and on the side they are elastic so you can easily slip your feet in..I didn't wear socks that night so the back of the left shoe (i think my left foot is bigger than my right!!!) scrapped against the back of my heel all evenig and the friction made my skin peel off! It hurt a LOT..oh i forgot to mention that last minute I threw on a black scarf but I definately should have wore a jacket instead!
Well! I figured that I would just go out of the car into the store, eat and go back in the car and go home! (basically indoors all evening!) oh what a terrible day to choose light clothing (i now am suffering from a slightly runny nose, mild headache and a scratchy throat as of ytd!)
Did I even tell you WHO i'm meeting? I call her KIM...=) Cus...that's her last name and she has the same name as me HAHAHA...strange eh? I met this girl in Gr.8 when I moved to Toronto..i grew up in this super tiny town called Milton..well back then in was small...and basically i was the ONLY asian there..besides my i move here...and here is another girl with the same name as me and the same nationality...who figures!WOW! So basically...ive known her for about almost a...woh..decade. LOL. well we've had times when we drifted beginning of high school...and then beginning of university....well she now works as a...i think i got it..radiation therapist...(i hope i got her occupation correctly) somewhere super far away near now she comes back once in a while to TOronto and I try to meet her as often as she comes back...she's been having some boy problems and she really wanted to spill her guts HAHAH..get it off her chest to another girlfrienddd~
So...i figure that the plaza wouldn't be busy cus its neverrrrr busy when i go..but i guess cus friday  night the entire parking lot was crazzzzzy packeeed omgish I've never seen it so packed in my life!
Partly lucky that I got a parking spot...although not very close so I run freeezing in my 3/4 blazer and killer heels and when we go in they tell us that the wait is 2hrs!!!! WTH?!?!?!?
So we're then..where do you want to go right? We decide Demetres..for those of you unfamiliar with's another dessert place..mainly specializing in crepes and waffles =) SoooOOO good..but cold weather hahaa...
We didn't drive there..although it wasn't a far was far for the weather and the heels I was wearing. Here's what i ordered
ALthough this wasn't what my tummy was expecting it definately did taste good. I wanted a mix of warm and cold cus the weather itself was super cold. So I got warm apple slices mixed in with fresh off the grill crepe covering honey vanilla icecream! YUMM It definately tasted sooo cool. Looking and it shows how big the scoop of icecream was hahaha...
THis is what kim got..I kinda took the picture a little too late and the chocolate is all melting..she got some macciato thing..I'm not too familiar with coffee cus i'm not a coffee person but basically it was a cup full of whip cream with some sort of chocolate syrup and then like a shot of espresso on the side and she poured it in..and the end product was that.
WHen we went in it was super quiet and basically only 3 other customers...but then 2 hrs later we basically were indirectly told to leave by recieving a reciept we never asked for. lol..the place got super busy..but kim n i wanted to talk soooooo here we go on foot AGAIN..killer heels + freezing cold weather...omgish doomed that day for terrible pain...worst clothing choice
so we walk around and we decide to get cocktails at Moxies...
We were seated at the lounge and I got my favourite drink of all time there: White peach bellini

Kim somehow persuaded me to MOXi size it..basically its a GIANT GIANT size with an extra shot. omg it was HUGEEEE O.O but you can't say no to this amazing drink!
Look at this giant bellini! O.O Note* I had to pee super bad when i finished this..we were in the middle of talking and i had to pee SO bad I cut her off tiny little bladder. Lol
doesn't it look like scoops of cantalopes? hahah..i don't know..its so good. i could drink it everyday.
yums ;p
Here's what Kim got:
Her drink was really strong O.o. i think it didn't have as much sugar and she didn't stir it or was a long talk about her boy..and also catching up for sure =)
too bad she lives far...i told her to just get a job in toronto and she says it's hard =(...i should unemployed...terrible. but i've been thinking if i should even apply to the school public boards...the government's been firing terribly at the teacher's cuts and the bill with No strike union and stuff...super powerless teachers have become...maybe i'll just opt for a private school or move to the states and teach...but then i'll need to apply for a green card and do the state certificate test and it's become complicated..ugh...why teacher so hard..just want to teach the next generation =(..poo.
I kinda felt bad...although she's working she bought me dinner last time so i told her if she comes out I'd buy her dessert (since she already went to melting pot n didn't really feel like it) so i said id buy for her...but then we ended up going to demetres adn all she got was a lousy $5 drink so i paid for her but she wanted to keep tlaking so we went for drinks and i moxisized it and she ended up paying for my drink haha...shes like..u got dessert? i got drinks...but the drinks were like double the price hahaha...-_-;;so much for trying to buy her..i'll have to buy her dinner next time...i wish i was employed..that lucky bum who got hired right out of school!
So today's agenda was: MASSAGE!
I wanted to take a picture of the place and show you guys some insight into and put a note in my head the hecticness of it and the first time business i totally forgot...omgish =*(
here's my was painful O.o
and 50 mintues is SUPER long..
i felt like the massage was going FOREVER (not complaining)
but man i thought it was a relaxing massage..the woman's hands are STRONG!

Here's the breakdown of what happened:
I went in and was greeted by very kind people =) nice smiles and soft and friendly spoken girl.
she told me to fill out some form (i went in about 7 minutes early) and filled out information and where i have any pain or medical stuff...
then i was followed by my massage therapist: Jasmine! (pretty name =D)
she dimmed the lights and told me to take my clothes off...face down..they had these covers which was cool..its like thin blankets..not sheets..and i put my face in that hole thing until she knocked and asked if she could come in..oh! before she left she asked me if there was any place I wanted her to focus on. so then i told her shoulders cus i carry a lot of books and my shoulders hurt...
boy did she focus on them shoulders..she said the click that sound makes she massages on my shoulder part is a sounded like a bone she was fiddling with..she REALLY worked in on that and then my other side...she did my arms and hands...touched on my bum/legs and did this funky stretch thing with my neck! that was interesting...and she pumped up a LOT of oil? something that was super smooth...
oh she started with this heater thing on my body to warm me up..that felt reallllyyyyy good. she moved this blanket heater from the top of my body to the bottom and also massaged me with it on me for a little bit..
then after she finished with my back she took like this hot steam towel and wiped my body with it..that felt suppper good and then used a dry towel to wipe up the wetness (during when she was wiping with the wet towel...when she was done my back and was wiping my arms my back was cold n gave me a shiver lol!) then she told me to flip and worked on the shoulders and neck on my front which was great...then the wet towel thing again..she also did my arms and hands..the hands she focused on the knuckles..felt really end of she did the karate chop massage hhahah..
oh did i mention that i had my eyes closed the whole time and when she asked me to flip over..i tried opening my eyes adn they were glued shut!! ahhhhh! it was like i had just woken up from sleep! perhaps also cus i had my face pressed against the coushin thing...hrmm..
anyways it was interesting...the knot and her shoulder thing was painful..perhaps next time i will tell her to go easy on my insurance BETTER file me and give me my thanng.otherwise ig otta pay for this and never again!! wish me luck! aja! better mail my stuff in! =D!
happy smiles

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