Sunday 16 September 2012


Hello, good evening, how is thee audience? =)

I am exhausted. I am going to sleep after this...xd tres tired!!

However before I go into thy dreamland I would like to introduce the events of SATURDAY!!
I am currently writing on my awesome reformated netbook! I've had this netbook about a year? possibly over a year and it had accumulated numerous viruses and had gone through terrible was literally the slowest computer in the became to the point that I couldn't even surf on the internet and basically only used Microsoft Word for school (light capability!)

I turned it in to my friend Robert who had it FOREVER (approx 2 monthes I'd say) and he never really got around to it but then my school was starting so he looked into it and apparently because my netbook is tiny and doesn't have a CD drive he needed something that holds a CD drive and connect to USB or whatever and apparently he COULD put Windows 7 and not Windows XP (which is what my comp came with) but apparently my computer is too tiny and would slow it down cus the files bigger or no computer then he passed it onto my oppa joseph who also does computer stuff..and he took it to his work =D (he teaches doctors how to use technology and does some presentation and meetings about computers - hes also a comp geek!) and BAZAM! he put all the microsoft and files and tweeks and whatever was needed and tadah!!! Here is my awesome better than new super fast netbook im typing wonderously on!!
Awesome!! I <3 this netbook! =D

So anyways...THANKS JO!! =D! I'm super excited to be able to use this netbook again! super speed!...well not like a main computer but fast enough that the typing or pages aren't lagging and taking 5 minutes to load up each page! O.O It was SUPER slow...

Saturday was GARAGE sale day! It was super cold so after saturday I had a slight headache and wasn't feeling too well...I need GOOD sleep tonight cus I'm super tired atm. I shall wake up tomorrow and be rejuvenated! So nothing special but I wore this:
With my awesome camera! So clear that it shows how terribly my mirror is yelling at me to clean it!! xd. sry the picture isn't very flattering =( I was in such a rush in the morning..Actually I was suppose to be there for 8am for setup of garage sale when I woke up and realized "nope...cold..tired..not happening" and fell back asleep HAHAH... -_-;;; As you can see I am also holding Tween's bday gift =D

I apologize...I honestly can't figure out how to rotate the picture :s...anyways this is one of my FAVOURITE sweaters! It's our (me + bf) first matching clothing! I've been begging him to get matching clothes =D (Me = i like cute things like that Harhar) but he was all 'NEBAAAAA" and then one day he was all 'lets get matching sweaters" -_-a? I don't get him. HONESTLY I've been asking him since day1!!! It has a Red Maple lead on the arm (represent Canada!) and the best part is the acronym: YTD and JMS...Guess what it is? I'll tell you at the end of this blog...Here's some clues...Got to do with provinces...Canada...Ontario and Quebec....One is is French...It is on our Car. O.O VERY BIG CLUES!!!!!!

So anyways I wore a hoodie and brought a scarf but i was still cold. =*(. BTW did i even say what the garage sale was for?! Every year my church goes up to a native reserve called Wikwemikong (about a 7hrs north west drive) and we hold a summer camp for children who would like to come. The children can be a bit tough to control but they have such big hearts I am thankful for their attendence. We as a church have been going there about 10 years and this is my 3 year there.

So we hold a garage sale about 2 times in the summer and we sell items to raise funds to go to our missions =). Yesterday we made over $800 which is great because we didn't sell any large items (e.g- furniture)!!

Here is my snag ;)
Honestly I didn't even know what this was until Alison (another member of our church who is so awesome at finding the best treasures) pointed it out. Its a full box of 48 pencils and a bunch of erasers for halloween!! Perfect! I am going to give them out to the kids when they come Trick-or-Treating! Do you celebrate Halloween? Kids dressing up (like the picture on the box) and going from home to home asking for candy with the phrase "Trick or Treat" when the sun goes down? HAHA you will be surprised to hear I went trick or treating until grade 10!!!!! My friends really were into it and they always dragged me along...for the most part no one said you were too old...although a few did HAHAHA...-_-...i WAS too old though..but it was still fun =D I loved it..i think its more fun than going to clubs and bars on halloween. Going with your friends..getting ready and dressing up is the best part and then the walk around the houses...we get closer to each other...

OKAY! So last night i was so tired but i stayed up making Tween's bday card for the church members to sign. Would you like to see?

NEVER again am i doing swirls!!! OMG do you know they become 3D when you peel it off and they are impossible to glue down?!?!?! i just THOUGHT they would look super cute on it -____- reGRET! so I bought the cricut machine this past summer...any of you know what that is? Its this machine much like a printer except that you can set it to cut out letters and shapes and whatever you would like. And boy have I been loving it!! <3 It is superb! I set the blade settings to a smaller one so that it doesn't cut my mat (the paper goes on the mat and it cuts through) and some of the paper didn't quite cut thorough as it normally
would i had to take scissors and gently cut them and for some reason it still took LONG! and by the time i was done i was soooooOOooOOoo uberly tired xd...!!

Lastly before I sleep I would like to post a few pictures of my snorkeling trip in Grenada! I will from time to time randomly post these pictures for thys to see =) I highly recommend snorkeling!! It is one of the greatest experiences one must go through in life!! It's literally like ANOTHER world down there!
Here my flippers there are literally a thousand and one fish! I felt like I was in the aquarium! You know when you go to the aquarium you see all these tropical fish? Theyre so native in Grenada! saw mounds of colourful fish! and the reefs! So many incredible reefs! and I missed it but apparently there were stingrays too! and ...i forget those spiky ball things O.o oh! sea urchines! WOWzers! so incredibly amazing!

The second destination we were taken were the sculpture park! This is one of many incredible sculptures! This particular one is a group of people standing in a circle i believe facing each other. I loved this picture that was captured because of the fish mixture! So incredibly wonderful!

The pictures take especially long to load on this mini netbook SoooOoo two for today =) many more to come here and there! 
(p.s - did you figure out what YTD and JMS stood for? Yours to Discover and Je me Souvien...its the license plates on Ontario and Quebec's cars =D!!)

with lots of love~ Happy smiles!

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